It’s Easier Than You Imagine To Go Green.

Perhaps when you think of green building, your mind travels to installing solar panels and building with products derived entirely from recycled materials. Actually, it’s as simple as choosing a quality vinyl product, such as Window World Windows.
The U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC) established the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Rating System to encourage and accelerate green building practices across the building industry. LEED from Homes is the nationally accepted benchmark for design and construction in the housing market.
energy efficiency (the home uses less energy and natural resources), material selection, and an indoor environmental quality that is healthier and more comfortable to the occupants than would be found with traditional building products (i.e., less exposure to mold, mildew, and other indoor toxins, and reduces outside noise). Window World Windows are the smart choice when considering green building practices because they meet the high standards and criteria set by LEED.
With Window World, you’ll use less energy and conserve natural resources.
According to the Vinyl Institute, the selection of vinyl windows over less energy-efficient window frames saves enough energy to meet the annual electricity needs of 20,000 single-family homes. The multiple layer, low-emissivity (Low-E) glass used in the SolarZone Insulated Glass Package is substantially more energy-efficient than a clear insulated glass package. While it helps keep your home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer, it also helps protect the environment by reducing the consumption of fossil fuels.
Less waste, more product.
Vinyl can be reprocessed and reused repeatedly, so scrap from our manufacturing process can be recycled into other vinyl products, helping keep the operation resource-efficient. The durability of uPVC also creates an environmental advantage. The longer a product lasts, the less energy, and other resources must be utilized to make replacement products.
A green home is a healthier home.
The warm-edge spacer systems available in Window World Windows are more efficient than standard metal spacers, keeping the edge of the insulated glass unit warmer.